Jewish Holidays

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Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays in
  • Returning to the Land
    The Sukkot holiday is full of mitzvot (good deeds), including the mitzvah of the lulav, the four species. Our Sages say that the four species are similar to weapons - the lulav is similar to a sword, or perhaps a rifle, the etrog maybe to a grenade. In any event, the Sages intend to tell us that there are spiritual wars and there are physical wars, and Man in this world must confront various pests and ward them off.
  • Absence makes the heart Grow fonder..
    The “3 Festivals” (or “R’galim”) have connections between them- such as the ‘Hekish’ (connection) between Pesach and Succos.
  • The Day The Music Died
    Music has a tremendous power - for the good or the bad. It all depends on the soul of the composer and the musician.
  • Chol Hamo’eid – Weekday or Yom Tov?
    : My shoes tore on Yom Tov. May I have them repaired on Chol Hamo’eid? The supermarket has something on sale on Chol Hamo’eid that I need for after Yom Tov. May I purchase it? Someone told me that Chol Hamo’eid is sometimes stricter than Shabbos. How can that be?
  • Hut One, Hut Two..
    Moshe’s final speech is really biting & critical. So much talk about all the negative things that can & will happen to us if we stray from G-d. I ask you: Is this really how Moshe wants to be remembered?
  • Succot's Relief
    The culmination of the great month of Tishrei occurs with the commemoration of the holiday of Succot. It provides a joyful relief and release from the intensity of the first two major holidays of the month, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
  • The Secret of Yom Kippur
    Why does Yom Kippur atone for Israel's sins? The secret is rooted in the "covenant of love" between G-d and His people Israel...
  • The Yom Kippur Time Tunnel
    Why is it important that atonement and repentance remain outside the framework of time?And we may be like angels on the Day of Atonement, but the rest of the year, we are simply flesh and blood, so how are our sins of the year atoned for?
  • Chalaka (Upsherin) on Chol Hamo’ed
    Our grandson was born on Chol Hamo’ed Sukkot. The other set of grandparents live in chutz la’aretz and will be visiting for Sukkot, without time for a chalaka before or after chag. May we do the hair cutting on Chol Hamo’ed?
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